Sunday, December 25, 2011

BALAKALAKAAR 2011- This Christmas, AIESEC Surat becomes 'Santa' for the underprivileged children. . . .

      Christmas is all about loving, caring and spreading joy. With BALAKALAKAAR 2011, this Christmas, AIESEC SURAT is all set to become a Santa Claus for the underprivileged children!

      Remember that kid working at the tea-stall? Or that kid polishing the shoes at the footpath for a living? Deep down inside all of them, there lies ambitions, dreams and too many efforts to somehow exit this vicious cycle of poverty and live a better life!

      They are all a bunch of unpolished diamonds. But Surat which is known for it's top-quality diamonds all over the world is all set to add sparkle to these unpolished diamonds! AIESEC in Surat organizes BALAKALAKAAR-2011: an event of drawing and painting specially for the children who are of limited means, or rather have no means to show their artistic skills. 

      Calvin & Hobbes- The Ultimate Dynamic Duo once said, "Happiness isn't enough for me, I demand euphoria!" Keeping those words in mind, AIESEC Surat, hereby feels proud to become the means of euphoria of these underprivileged children by giving the winner of the event, a fully-paid scholarship for his/her education.

      So just when these underprivileged children thought that their key to happiness was lost, AIESEC in SURAT invites one and all to attend BALAKALAKAAR 2011 and gift these children a new bunch of keys to their happiness!! Let their smiles and drawings be an extension of their life forever..


Date- 25th December, 2011
Time- 7 am
Venue- SCET college ground, Surat.

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