Wednesday, September 22, 2010

An Evening of Rendezvous with S.N.A.K.E.S....


The word ‘S.N.A.K.E’ is an embodiment of venomous fangs,fatal or near-to-fatal bites and what not.Since time immemorial,these cold-blooded reptiles have an established reputation of evoking fear among human communities across the world.One shudders to think about even getting within 50 feet distance of the slithering venomous reptile.You have species of snakes the size of a matchstick to snakes 30 feet long.....So many legends and evidence-bereft beliefs have been attributed to snakes all through the ages since the dawn of the human civilization....

The DT(Development Trainee) wing of AIESEC,Surat in association with ‘Nature Club’,Surat,an NGO of national repute organised an enthralling and informative Snake Show on 15th September,2010 inside the premises of the SVNIT campus.It was basically a Social Event.The show was first of its kind on SVNIT campus.3 well-trained volunteers of the NGO conducted the show in a very effective manner.The event commenced at 16.00 hrs. and went on till 17.30 hrs.The 150 member strong audience comprised of students right from freshman year to final year.It was a first-hand experience of the dreadful and much-feared class of reptiles in front of their very eyes and ofcourse,inside the premises of their very own SVNIT Campus.

A total of 11 different species of snakes were on show including the Indian Cobra,the Great Indian Python among others,seven of them were live and were being shown around by the NGO volunteers and the remaining four were shown and their vital facts were described to the audience through the medium of posters.The volunteers described to the audience a few points to distinguish between various species of snakes.Students also got acquainted with a few other vital aspects of the cold blooded reptiles such as average age,skin color & texture,length,thickness,whether venomous or not,habitat and species-wise-regions in India.Further the volunteers described in detail the steps to be taken in wake of someone getting bitten by a venomous snake,including the steps to be taken if one encounters a snake in one’s vicinity.They even allowed the members of the audience to touch and get a feel of the cold blooded reptile’s skin.Further,they explained each and every minute detail pertaining to the live snakes they’d brought with them in three different languages[no prizes for guessing the 3 of ‘em!!! :-) ] for the linguistic comfort of the spectators and to ensure they were’nt delivering bouncers on the heads of the spectators!!!They even provided their emergency contact numbers so that in the future, emergencies pertaining to snakes could be tackled effectively.The volunteers catered to the doubts and queries of the audience in a very effective manner.

The Hostel Committee of Tagore Bhavan(H-8) marked the day as ‘Environment day’ or ‘Green Day’.Ambuj Jain,Manager(DT),AIESEC(Surat),a very active AIESEC member was the one who roped in the NGO ‘Nature Club’ to conduct the show on SVNIT campus.C.S Abhilash,Vice-President(DT) also played a major role in making the event successful to a great extent.All in all,the spectators had a 1.5 hours’ worth of an informative,enriching and above all a completely unique experience.They found the show enthralling,exciting and to a great extent informative.The verdict was ‘More of such events should be conducted from time to time to promote better understanding of the world around us.’






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