Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Setting fresh targets, and deciding new goals, the NSC India (National Strategic Conference, India), 2010 was successfully conducted from 27th October 2010 to 1st November, 2010, at Gold Pond Resort,Silvassa. 
National Strategy Conference, India, is one of the most intense conferences of the year, with all the local committees of AIESEC India coming together at one venue for 5 days to plan and strategize the year ahead for each local committee.
Every local committee comes forth and announces its decided targets for the year.
Each target being higher than the last time is evidence in itself, of the rising potential of AIECEC India.
Serious sessions of deciding and declaring of the targets, are followed by the lively JIVES, where, all AIESEC-ers, irrespective of their LCs (local committees), dance the same steps on the dance numbers. Not only refreshing, these JIVES also symbolize unity, and are loved by the young blood. 

AIESEC Surat, being one of the integral parts of AIESEC India, actively attended this conference. With eleven members attending this conference, this local committee enjoyed and appreciated every moment of the conference.
Rhushabh Kamdar, a member of AIESEC Surat, having attended this conference, is in awe of the experience. Describing his experience, in his own words, “This was my third national conference of AIESEC. Every time I go to conference, I learn something new. There always something new to look forward to…The jives of AIESEC are very fantastic! Four hundred people dancing on same song, together, create an impact of ONE UNITED AIESEC’… It’s a never ending thing”.
It’s not just him. Infact, every single member who’s attended this conference, agrees with him.
In this conference, not only do the local committees decide their new aims, they also get inspired with each other, to work harder than ever before. AIESEC Surat’s highly appreciable effort at becoming an independent LC, although couldn’t fruit completely, didn’t go unnoticed. Surat didn’t return let down, but encouraged, to try again. And so, Zarna Shukla, AIESEC Surat, says, “The projection sessions were very informative. We come to know a lot. AIESEC Surat is new. And so, we have to work a lot. We have to show better results. And we will.”
Amit Kumar, AIESEC Surat, describes his experience one sentence. 
“NSC experience was an enjoyable tragedy”.

So, wrapping up, I think its right to say that, over all, NSC 2010, was a great success. Every LC has returned with no hard feelings, and a newly built determination of proving itself better. The members of AIESEC INDIA, will remember this conference as
Productive hours,
Some sweet some sour,
The high set aims,
The sessions, the games
Yes, with new promises, we all then left
But only to return next year, at our best.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The thunderbolt week of elasticity !

There has been moments of utter disguise and enriched happiness together in the past , which made me confused and go away from the path I never intend to be . Seeking for a real good change to happen and as said "Change should be constant" , I had this opportunity to attend the best national conference from the world's largest student run organization called AIESEC and named June National Conference 2010.

Nothing as I knew what was waiting for me there and what was it that I was going to experience in this secluded life which I was adjusted in and there embarked the times I have waited for .

Good times and bad times are temporary . #Some legend.

With the delegation of around 16 people and heading the team with the post of Vice-president , Corporate Sector of AIESEC in Surat , I took a feeling of humble pride in me for the next seven days with sheer excitement to meet different breeds of people there and here our bus comes at 3-30 AM with baroda delegation already in there waiting for us and an undiscovered journey begun as yet .

We reached the venue that was Golden Pond Resort in Silvassa , five hours later and soon as we got down the amplifiers rolled and in no time we are jiving ! Here the whip-cracks got into me and around 50 of us shaking before the gates of the resort , world doesn't matter * . Got into our rooms , kept the baggages not at proper places , infact we hardly kept them properly , we rushed towards our first plenary where roundabout 500 delegates from different cities came in and there it started with the song " AMPLIFIER " ( MC jive ) , we again rolled with the flow .

Enough of the dancing part , its a conference :-) , but the culture of the organization had to inject in our veins .

Sessions began , we shouted our roll calls that was " No beer , No whiskey , AIESEC SURAT very risky " , with other people screaming theirs i.e people from delhi, mumbai, bangalore , chandigarh ,kolkata etc to name a few . I never witnessed this kind of madness ever , mind it and I mean it . We got introduced with our member committee of AIESEC INDIA which comprised of people from all over India who has worked hard and reached the position they hold of presidents and vps' in their departments .

The after-parties got into our veins and arteries,which included skolling ( a team game of speed drinking :-p ) , prom night (no discussions:-)) , the awards night in which by the way AIESEC Surat won for the best expansion initiatives :-) ( stupendous goosebumps feeling ) and the closing commissions ( where all the vp's of respective departments toast ) . We the people hardly slept because these times weren't going to come back and everyday we saw the sun rising our head , still jiving on the tunes . 500 people just like us , under one roof , in a sync , high and over high and enough with the feeling as heaven can't be described .

The sessions for the executive board members were so transformative , which actually changed a few perspectives and made us baffled { design session by young entrepreneurs and mind boggling session in dealing with the matters of life by Advait ( a renowned psychologist ) } . Plus the case studies , the department meetings and the interactions with the varied offsprings stole it all .

I made great international friends too but the desi ones still rocks .

Clocks stopped .

The time came for all of us to depart , this was the terrible feeling of my life . I never wanted to leave the place , I was addicted with the schedule , I was swamped in the moments and the stranger turned friends . This was not happening .

We hugged , we kissed , we skolled , we rolled , we jived , we were family .

Just after the week passed , the times spellbound and we got into our bus , we left , everyone did respectively .

I had a tear literally .

I just got over with this after a week , I loved the hangover .

I was in love with myself all over again .

Dissolving in the song I fell in love with ,

" Aaj ka yeh din , hai mera din ,

Meri he marzi kaa ,

Maa ka kehna , hoon awara ,

Kismat ka ghulam ,

Tu chali aa , le chal wahin ,

Tu chali aa , le chal wahin "

The english version of the same ,

" Today is friday ,

It is my day ,

To do it all ,

Mama can tell me ,

I am going nowhere ,

I am just a prisoner of my fate ,

Would you come along ,

Bring me in ,

Would you come along ,

Bring me in .. "

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

An Evening of Rendezvous with S.N.A.K.E.S....


The word ‘S.N.A.K.E’ is an embodiment of venomous fangs,fatal or near-to-fatal bites and what not.Since time immemorial,these cold-blooded reptiles have an established reputation of evoking fear among human communities across the world.One shudders to think about even getting within 50 feet distance of the slithering venomous reptile.You have species of snakes the size of a matchstick to snakes 30 feet long.....So many legends and evidence-bereft beliefs have been attributed to snakes all through the ages since the dawn of the human civilization....

The DT(Development Trainee) wing of AIESEC,Surat in association with ‘Nature Club’,Surat,an NGO of national repute organised an enthralling and informative Snake Show on 15th September,2010 inside the premises of the SVNIT campus.It was basically a Social Event.The show was first of its kind on SVNIT campus.3 well-trained volunteers of the NGO conducted the show in a very effective manner.The event commenced at 16.00 hrs. and went on till 17.30 hrs.The 150 member strong audience comprised of students right from freshman year to final year.It was a first-hand experience of the dreadful and much-feared class of reptiles in front of their very eyes and ofcourse,inside the premises of their very own SVNIT Campus.

A total of 11 different species of snakes were on show including the Indian Cobra,the Great Indian Python among others,seven of them were live and were being shown around by the NGO volunteers and the remaining four were shown and their vital facts were described to the audience through the medium of posters.The volunteers described to the audience a few points to distinguish between various species of snakes.Students also got acquainted with a few other vital aspects of the cold blooded reptiles such as average age,skin color & texture,length,thickness,whether venomous or not,habitat and species-wise-regions in India.Further the volunteers described in detail the steps to be taken in wake of someone getting bitten by a venomous snake,including the steps to be taken if one encounters a snake in one’s vicinity.They even allowed the members of the audience to touch and get a feel of the cold blooded reptile’s skin.Further,they explained each and every minute detail pertaining to the live snakes they’d brought with them in three different languages[no prizes for guessing the 3 of ‘em!!! :-) ] for the linguistic comfort of the spectators and to ensure they were’nt delivering bouncers on the heads of the spectators!!!They even provided their emergency contact numbers so that in the future, emergencies pertaining to snakes could be tackled effectively.The volunteers catered to the doubts and queries of the audience in a very effective manner.

The Hostel Committee of Tagore Bhavan(H-8) marked the day as ‘Environment day’ or ‘Green Day’.Ambuj Jain,Manager(DT),AIESEC(Surat),a very active AIESEC member was the one who roped in the NGO ‘Nature Club’ to conduct the show on SVNIT campus.C.S Abhilash,Vice-President(DT) also played a major role in making the event successful to a great extent.All in all,the spectators had a 1.5 hours’ worth of an informative,enriching and above all a completely unique experience.They found the show enthralling,exciting and to a great extent informative.The verdict was ‘More of such events should be conducted from time to time to promote better understanding of the world around us.’






Thursday, September 9, 2010

August Recruitment: The Local Training Seminar

August '10 Recruits

The 4th & 5th of September saw our new recruits attending the Local Training Seminar at the Lecture Theatre - 1 at the S.V. National Institute of Technology campus.

Over the 2 (quite wet) days, 80+ new recs witnessed presentations detailing the composition, achievements and functions of each department, interspersed with fun Jives & roll-call sessions (the latest one is "No beer, no whisky, AIESEC Surat very risky" :P ).

Here's one of the videos, introducing our Executive Body to the newbies:

Some highlights from the event:

  • Our TN troublemaker, Dheeraj Choudhary, pioneered the Jives performances, with "Jugni" undoubtedly emerging as everyone's favourite. 
  • Paritosh "OGX is Sexy" Jha had the best after-presentation speech of all the VPs
  • Rain outside
  • CS Abhilash (VP-DT) & Rachit Khator (VP-TN) tied for best intro video. Either way, ICX wins :P
  • Rachit's IC-Hyderabad Kurta was the envy of many.
  • More rain.
  • Rookie Pranav "Boeing" Gandhi rocked the floor with his group in a scintillating performance on "Emosional Atyachar" ;)
  • And most importantly, the pilfering of snacks was of a much lower magnitude than expected. ;) :P
The LTS concluded with the new recs submitting their preferences for department allocation. 

Let's hope for an even more fulfilling 2nd year for AIESEC Surat!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Diary of an AIESECer

UPDATE: If you haven't been able to get your hands on an AIESEC application form, come to the SVNIT Staff Club on Wednesday, 25 August for on-the-spot registration and GD.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Your Chance to Join AIESEC: August Recruits

AIESEC has been in Surat for almost a year now. As the world's largest student-run organization, it offers its members an experience of leadership, cultural diversity and an opportunity to become global citizens.

And the good news is - we are looking for fresh recruits! So if you feel that you, as a globally responsible citizen of the 21st century, would like to be a part of a vibrant world-wide network that offers innumerable opportunities for growth, development and new experiences, these August Recruits present just the chance you need! Apply as soon as possible!

Recruitments will be carried out in a 4 step procedure:

1. Application form : We will be coming to your college for promotion and form distribution. 
Deadline - 17th August, 2010
For more information regarding forms, contact 
Rushabh - +91 9979914543
Pankti - +91 9904355990

2. Group Discussions (GDs) : There are 3 GD venues. 
You will have the option to select the one convenient for you.

3. PIs : Final stage before recruitment. 
Venue : SVNIT, Surat

4. LTS : Local Training Seminar (Orientation Seminar)
Your first experience of AIESEC as a member

For more details, contact :-
Harshit Gupta (OCP)
+91 9974967990

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Y2B Press Conference

The Y2B press conference will be held at 4.30 pm at the Seminar Hall of the Applied Mechanics Dept. (AMD) of Sardar Vallabhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT).

Friday, July 30, 2010

Y2B and why you should know about it...

AIESEC Surat is organizing its first major event, the Youth to Business (Y2B) forum, on the 7th of August, 2010 at the Science Centre in Surat. The Y2B Forum is a space where youth and business leaders get together to discuss and analyze the various current global trends. 

The event aims at having a highly result oriented and fruitful discussion about the new dimensions to entrepreneurship in Surat. We hope to provide a touch point for young people and professionals to share their perspectives through interactive sessions.

The confirmed panelists include Mr. Pranay Gupta, Joint CEO, CIIE, IIM - Ahmedabad and Dr. Renuka Garg, Dean, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (VNSGU); & Mr. Dwij Vasavada, Member of the AIESEC India Committee as the youth representative.

So if you are a company interested in harnessing the potential of the youth or a young entrepreneur, or even a student wishing to know how the corporate world functions, Y2B is the forum for you.

For entry passes (for non-corporates) or to request a free invitation (for corporates), contact
  • Rachit Khator- +91 9824477412
  • Gunjan Patwa- +91 9427081869
  • Jayvir Shah- +91 9898550367
Entry pass charge : - Rs. 150 per person.

Science Centre, Surat

To know more, please check out the attached videos

  • Global Y2B Intro (this is the international level Y2B event scheduled to be held in Hyderabad)
  • An Introduction to AIESEC