Sunday, December 25, 2011

BALAKALAKAAR 2011- This Christmas, AIESEC Surat becomes 'Santa' for the underprivileged children. . . .

      Christmas is all about loving, caring and spreading joy. With BALAKALAKAAR 2011, this Christmas, AIESEC SURAT is all set to become a Santa Claus for the underprivileged children!

      Remember that kid working at the tea-stall? Or that kid polishing the shoes at the footpath for a living? Deep down inside all of them, there lies ambitions, dreams and too many efforts to somehow exit this vicious cycle of poverty and live a better life!

      They are all a bunch of unpolished diamonds. But Surat which is known for it's top-quality diamonds all over the world is all set to add sparkle to these unpolished diamonds! AIESEC in Surat organizes BALAKALAKAAR-2011: an event of drawing and painting specially for the children who are of limited means, or rather have no means to show their artistic skills. 

      Calvin & Hobbes- The Ultimate Dynamic Duo once said, "Happiness isn't enough for me, I demand euphoria!" Keeping those words in mind, AIESEC Surat, hereby feels proud to become the means of euphoria of these underprivileged children by giving the winner of the event, a fully-paid scholarship for his/her education.

      So just when these underprivileged children thought that their key to happiness was lost, AIESEC in SURAT invites one and all to attend BALAKALAKAAR 2011 and gift these children a new bunch of keys to their happiness!! Let their smiles and drawings be an extension of their life forever..


Date- 25th December, 2011
Time- 7 am
Venue- SCET college ground, Surat.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

 BALAKALAKAR AND Executive Body 2012...

                   So , it is that time of the year where you hold your loved ones near, be kind to each other , reach out to friends and neighbours , be charitable and celebrate holidays according to your customs and traditions. Yes , you got that right! Christmas ! The festival which celebrates the birth of Jesus .

            Along with the birth of Jesus , AIESEC SURAT is also celebrating the birth of it's new leaders. The Executive Body of 2012 -2013. We AIESECers are in the splendor of the year as it has finally got it's new set of fortune turners. The Executive Body comprises of 13 members . 12 Vice Presidents and 1 President. The President is elected and the Vice Presidents are selected. The Presidential elections were conducted on 15th of Novemeber where 3 candidates were highly envisioned to take up the responsibility of leading AIESEC Surat to its goals and reap success locally as well as nationally. Finally ,Jayvir Shah after facing tough competition from his competitors won the elections and became the local committee president of AIESEC Surat. The Executive Body (EB)  was later declared on the 12th of December, 2011.  Selection processes were being conducted a week earlier where the current LCP , Rachit Khator and the elected LCP , Jayvir Shah choose the best to become leaders of AIESEC Surat. After heavy brainstorming and incomprehensible interviews, the best got selected to take the legacy of AIESEC Surat forward.
              Moreover with the Executive Body , the most awaited event of 2011 is scheduled on the day Jesus was born . BALAKALAKAR ! For those of you who do not know what this event is all about , it will be really humble to read ahead. Balakalakar is an event organized by AIESEC Surat to bring out the artist in every child. This event gives a chance to the underpriveleged , home less, poverty stricken children to achieve something. It gives them a chance to paint , a chance to smile , a platform to bring out their hidden talent. AIESEC Surat organised many pre events which were successful in the midst of the year to portray to people what Balakalakar is! Pre events like Blood donation camp, Joy of giving , light up the sky and children's day fest. Each pre event was equally impactful as others. In the children's day fest , actor Deepti Bhatnagar came to celebrate children's day with us. Her joyful appearance in the event created a lot of impact of AIESEC Surat on the Suratis. Thank you Deepti . So now, after successful pre events , hard core publicity and support from the Suratis , AIESEC Surat will now host it's main event BALAKALAKAR on December 25th, 2011. Hope to see you there . ;) 

Monday, July 18, 2011

AIESEC Surat's Youth To Business 2.0 CREED on 31st July,2011

AIESEC Youth to Business Forum (Y2B)

A unique platform which connects the youth and the business world. The main idea behind the event is to share perspectives and propose possible actions around topics of global relevance.
These topics include:
The event is a chance for the companies to present themselves and associate their brand with social responsibility among talented students. AIESEC YOUTH 2 BUSINESS FORUM is a place where big wings of corporate world are invited into an open discussion with today’s youth.
The YOUTH 2 BUSINESS helps the youth to network with the Corporate and helps them to gather expert’s guidance. s well as, the Corporate from different sectors culminate together on a common platform.
AIESEC Surat’s Youth to Business Forum

DATE: JULY 31st,2011
TIMINGS: 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM

AIESEC SURAT’S Y2B 2.0 CREED connects our current and prospective partners as well as ourBoard of Advisors, alumni, students from different colleges and international AIESEC Interns. Itprovides an opportunity to network with profiled speakers and professionals from various backgrounds. This is a milestone event that helps us to assess the services we provide to ourpartners and define scope for Enhancement.
The word “CREED” meaning a strong belief sums up the entire theme of the event.
C stands for Creativity
R stands for Redevelopment
E stands for education
E stands for entrepreneurship
D stands for development

  • 350+ Students from several colleges in SURAT.
  • 75+ Corporate Delegates.
  • Major exposure to the new generation of India’s future leaders.
  • Various opportunities to explore business ideas in different dimensions.
  • Sustainable planning of business.
  • Each panellist will be given time to throw light on their respective field and
  • similarly audience will be given time to ask their doubts to the panellist.

Panelists for the event:
-Pinak Modi(Writer,Balaji Telefilms)
-Devendra Purbiya(A Renowned photographer from Banglore)
-Alkesh Desai(Entrepreneur)
-Rohit Mehta( President of SGCCI)
-Percy Engineer(Architect, Principal of SCET)

Contact details:
Binaz Wadia –              9998190411                  E-mail id –
Vishal Goenka -               9974400930              E-mail id -

AIESEC Surat had organized an event called Y2B last year at Science Centre where more than 200 students of different academic background and 60 corporate participated in a discussion on entrepreneurial initiatives in Surat city under our strong panelists which included
1.Mr. Mahesh Singh, IFS, Deputy Commissioner (General).
2.Mr. Pranay Gupta Joint CEO, CIIE.
3.Mr. Aagam Sanghavi, Chairman IDI and Director, Sanghavi Exports.
4.Dr. Ajoy Bhattacharya, President SGCCI.
5.Mr. .Jay Chhaira, CA and Director, The Institute for Professional studies.
6.Mr. Dwij Vasavada: Vice President- Business Development (AIESEC India).