Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Setting fresh targets, and deciding new goals, the NSC India (National Strategic Conference, India), 2010 was successfully conducted from 27th October 2010 to 1st November, 2010, at Gold Pond Resort,Silvassa. 
National Strategy Conference, India, is one of the most intense conferences of the year, with all the local committees of AIESEC India coming together at one venue for 5 days to plan and strategize the year ahead for each local committee.
Every local committee comes forth and announces its decided targets for the year.
Each target being higher than the last time is evidence in itself, of the rising potential of AIECEC India.
Serious sessions of deciding and declaring of the targets, are followed by the lively JIVES, where, all AIESEC-ers, irrespective of their LCs (local committees), dance the same steps on the dance numbers. Not only refreshing, these JIVES also symbolize unity, and are loved by the young blood. 

AIESEC Surat, being one of the integral parts of AIESEC India, actively attended this conference. With eleven members attending this conference, this local committee enjoyed and appreciated every moment of the conference.
Rhushabh Kamdar, a member of AIESEC Surat, having attended this conference, is in awe of the experience. Describing his experience, in his own words, “This was my third national conference of AIESEC. Every time I go to conference, I learn something new. There always something new to look forward to…The jives of AIESEC are very fantastic! Four hundred people dancing on same song, together, create an impact of ONE UNITED AIESEC’… It’s a never ending thing”.
It’s not just him. Infact, every single member who’s attended this conference, agrees with him.
In this conference, not only do the local committees decide their new aims, they also get inspired with each other, to work harder than ever before. AIESEC Surat’s highly appreciable effort at becoming an independent LC, although couldn’t fruit completely, didn’t go unnoticed. Surat didn’t return let down, but encouraged, to try again. And so, Zarna Shukla, AIESEC Surat, says, “The projection sessions were very informative. We come to know a lot. AIESEC Surat is new. And so, we have to work a lot. We have to show better results. And we will.”
Amit Kumar, AIESEC Surat, describes his experience one sentence. 
“NSC experience was an enjoyable tragedy”.

So, wrapping up, I think its right to say that, over all, NSC 2010, was a great success. Every LC has returned with no hard feelings, and a newly built determination of proving itself better. The members of AIESEC INDIA, will remember this conference as
Productive hours,
Some sweet some sour,
The high set aims,
The sessions, the games
Yes, with new promises, we all then left
But only to return next year, at our best.